We are proud of our dedicated Bicycle technicians. With a total of almost 20 years of experience in the cycling industry between them, Kate Smith and Sandra Pereira can offer you the detailed knowledge to help make your dreams of cycling adventures in Victoria come true. Get to know our staff a little bit better

Kate Smith

Kate’s background includes a traineeship in Bicycle Mechanical Technology from Swinburne University, majoring in power assisted cycling. After graduating in 2008, she worked at a bike shop in Hawthorn for 4 years. She first came to the Bike Shop in 2012 and now specializes in all cycling technologies.

After taking a break to travel around Asia for a year with her husband, Kate was excited to return to the Bike Shop in 2016. Her extensive cycling background enables Kate to provide an exceptional level of service to our clientele. She enjoys scuba diving, photography and riding. Ask her about the best cycling spots in Victoria.

Sandra Pereira

Sandra Pereira originally hails from Portugal, but moved to Australia in 2008. She also has a degree in Bicycle Mechanical Technology. In 2012 she travelled to East Timor to work as a volunteer. While stationed in Dili, Sandra managed to cycle around many of the nearby islands of Indonesia. Sandra is fluent in both Portuguese and Indonesian.

After her assignment in East Timor ended, Sandra headed to Melbourne, and she has been with Bike Shop since 2014. She enjoys hiking, beachcombing, and cycling. Ask her about trekking and cycling in Southeast Asia.